AN 6.86 – Āvaraṇasuttaṃ, Obstructions

AN 6.86 – Āvaraṇasuttaṃ, Obstruction

Monks, endowed with six things, upon hearing the True Dhamma, one is unable to enter the right way in developing good qualities. What six? One has obstructions based on action, one has obstructions based on defilement, one has obstructions based on the consequence of their action, one does not have faith, does not have zeal, and has bad wisdom. In this way, monks, endowed with six things upon hearing the True Dhamma one is unable to enter the right way in developing good qualities.

Monks, endowed with six things, upon hearing the True Dhamma, one is able to enter the right way in developing good qualities. What six? One does not have obstructions based on action, one does not have obstructions based on defilement, one does not have obstructions based on the consequence of their action, one has faith, zeal, and wisdom. In this way, monks, endowed with six things upon hearing the True Dhamma one is able to enter the right way in developing good qualities.